Dictionary German English
Wörterbuch Deutsch Englisch
Schwimmgürtel: swimming belt
Schwimmgürteln: swimming belts
Schwimmhäuter: webs
schwimmhäutig: webbed
Schwimmkräfte: flotages
Schwimmkreisel: floated gyro
Schwimmkunst: art of swimming
Schwimmkünste: arts of swimming
Schwimmlehrer: swimming instructor
Schwimmlehrern: swimming instructors
schwimmt: swims
Schwimmvogel: swimming bird
Schwimmvögeln: swimming birds
Schwimmweste: life jacket
Schwindel: vertigo, goldbrick, bogus, confidence game, fake
È inutile temere ciò che non si può evitare. (proverbio latino)
Il proverbio...
(Inopiae desunt multa, avaritiae omnia) Al povero mancano tante cose all'avaro tutte! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
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E’ importante ragionare per obiettivi: solo in questo modo possiamo coordinare i nostri sforzi