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Dictionary English German
Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch

He can't take a joke.: Er versteht keinen Spass.
he can speak English: er kann Englisch
he claims to know you: er behauptet Sie zu kennen
He cut a caper.: Er machte Dummheiten.
He departed from his word.: Er brach sein Wort.
He did all the talking.: Er führte das grosse Wort.
he did his best: er tat sein bestes
he did it in joke: er tat es im Spaß
He did it on purpose.: Er tat es absichtlich.
He didn't even begin to try.: Er versuchte es nicht einmal.
He didn't say anything at all.: Er sagte überhaupt nichts.
he didn't sleep a wink: er hat kein Auge zugetan
he died of a heart attack: er starb an einem Herzschlag
He died of a heart attack.: Er starb an einem Herzschlag.
He doesn't know how to behave.: Er kann sich nicht benehmen.


L'aforisma... L'indeciso decide sempre il peggio.

Il proverbio... (Et qui fecerunt, oderunt iniuriam) Anche quelli che la commettono hanno odiato l'ingiustizia! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Contese e lotte turbano la pace, solo il sonno restituisce una breve età dell'oro. (Detto orientale)