Dictionary English German
Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch
What are his politics?: Wo steht er politisch?
what are they talking about?: worüber reden sie?
What are you driving at ?: Worauf wollen Sie hinaus ?
what are you driving at?: worauf wollen Sie hinaus?
what are you thinking about?: worüber denkst du nach?
what can I do for you?: womit kann ich Ihnen dienen?
What cheek!: Was für eine Frechheit!
what colour is it?: welche Farbe hat es?
What considerations?: Was für Erwägungen?
What do you make of it?: Was halten Sie davon?
What does he do for a living?: Womit verdient er sein Brot?
what does it taste of?: wonach schmeckt es?
what for: wozu
what from: woraus
what has become of it?: was ist daraus geworden?
L'oscenita' e' tutto quello che provoca un'erezione ad un giudice!
Il proverbio...
(Fortuna unde aliquid fregit, cassum est reficere) E' difficile rimettere insieme ciò che la fortuna ha spezzato! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
In un paese ben governato la povertà è qualcosa di cui ci si deve vergognare.