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Dictionary Hungarian English
Szótár Magyar Angol

as stubborn as a mule: mint egy szamár, csökönyös
as such: mint olyan
as sure as rates: holtbiztos
as sweet as honey: mézédes
as the crow flies: légvonalban
as the fancy takes him: ahogy kedve tartja
as the old tag has it: a régi szólás szerint, a régi közmondás szerint
as the phrase goes: ahogy mondani szokás
as the story goes: ahogy beszélik
as times go: amilyen időket élünk
as timid as a rabbit: gyáva, mint a nyúl
as to myself: ami pedig engem illet, magam részéről
as to that: ami azt illeti
as to you: ami pedig téged illet
as true as true!: igazán!


L'aforisma... Le donne hanno 4 labbra: due per dire delle stupidaggini, due per farsi perdonare.

Il proverbio... (Quis miserum sciret, verba nisi haberet dolor?) Chi conoscerebbe il misero se il dolore non avesse voce! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... In talune situazioni, dal timore puň propagarsi una energia negativa che pervade la realtŕ