Dictionary Hungarian English
Szótár Magyar Angol
he has brains: intelligens ember
he has came down in the world: igen lecsúszott, valaha jobb napokat látott
he has come round: belement, beleegyezett
he has experienced a lot: sokat tapasztalt
he has gone on before: ő előre ment
he has good lines in his face: jóarcú, jó arcvonásai vannak, jó vonásai vannak
he has had a bellyful: alaposan bezabált, alaposan belakott, jól bezabált
he has had a drop too much: többet ivott a kelleténél
he has had his bellyful of: alaposan kivette a részét
he has his head full of wasps: mindenféle bogara van
he has his wits about him: van magához való esze
he has it: benne megvan ez a képesség
he has just been on the line: éppen most beszélt telefonon
he has not a red cent: egy huncut vasa sincs, egy lyukas garasa sincs
he has not guts: gyáva kukac
La solitudine č per lo spirito ciň che il cibo č per il corpo. (Seneca)
Il proverbio...
(Caret periclo, qui etiam cum est tutus cavet) Evita ogni pericolo chi č guardingo pur sentendosi sicuro! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Evita il vile, ma non fartene un nemico personale; avvicinati pure al gentiluomo, ma non dirgli sempre di si. (Proverbio cinese)