Dictionary Hungarian English
Szótár Magyar Angol
his ears are buzzing: cseng a füle, zúg a füle
his election as chairman: elnökké történt megválasztása
his eminence: ő eminenciája
his eye is bunged up: bedagadt a szeme
his eyes lightened up: felragyogott a szeme
his face fell: leesett az álla
his face is all upon the grin: vigyorog
his fame will endure for ever: híre örökké élni fog
his finances are low: rosszul áll pénzügyileg
his fortunes are on the rise: kilátásai javulnak
his garden abuts on the road: kertje kiér az útig, kertjét az út határolja
his glory had a short life: dicsősége hamar elmúlt
his glory is waning: dicsősége lehanyatlóban van
his good lady: a neje
his goods and chattels: minden ingósága
Ogni abitudine rende la nostra mano piů ingegnosa e meno agile il nostro ingegno..
Il proverbio...
(Feras quod laedit, ut quod prodest perferas) Sopporta ciň che ti danneggia per meglio sopportare quanto ti torna utile! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Lo stress č un messaggio che va ascoltato, per capire cosa il nostro corpo vuole comunicarci e poter fare un passo verso il benessere