Dictionary Hungarian English
Szótár Magyar Angol
there must be sg in it: kell vminek lenni benne
there must be something in it: kell valaminek lenni benne
there now!: na ugye!, na gyerünk!
there used to be a house here: itt valaha egy ház állt
there was a knock: kopogtak
there was a ring at the door: csöngettek
there was a run on the bank: megrohanták a bankot
there was a run on the novel: kapkodták a regényt, nagyon kelendő volt a regény
there was no holding him: nem lehetett visszatartani
there was no score: senki sem szerzett pontot, az eredmény null-null
there was nobody about: egy lélek sem volt ott
there was quite a good turnout: nagy felhajtás volt, nagy kivonulás volt
there you are mistaken: ebben tévedsz
there you are!: íme!, na ugye!, nem megmondtam!
there you have me!: itt megfogtál!
Le stelle sono buchi nel cielo da cui filtra la luce dell'infinito.(Confucio)
Il proverbio...
(Malitia ut peior veniat, se simulat bonam) La perfidia per essere ancora peggiore prende le sembianze della bontŕ! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Per non ripetere uno sbaglio, l'azione migliore č quella di cercare di capire dentro di noi il percorso che ci ha portato a commetterlo