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Dictionary Hungarian English
Szótár Magyar Angol

to give grace: haladékot ad, haladékot nyújt
to give ground: visszavonul, hátrál
to give heed to sg: megszívlel vmit
to give him his due: megadja neki ami őt illeti
to give in: bead
to give in one's name: nevét bemondja
to give it another screw: még egyet húz rajta, még egyet csavar rajta
to give judgement: ítéltet mond
to give legs: elpucol, elfut
to give notice to sy: felmond vkinek
to give off shoots: ágat hoz, hajtást hoz
to give offence to sy: megsért vkit
to give offense to sy: megsért vkit
to give on: vhová nyílik
to give one's ear to sy: meghallgat vkit


L'aforisma... Non era la mela singola sull'albero, ma il paio sul terreno che causo' il guaio nel giardino dell'Eden.

Il proverbio... No' spetarte mai la bora se il sirocco in mar lavora.... (Trieste)

Saggezza orientale... Quando parliamo con sinceritŕ, le nostre parole arrivano al cuore come raggi di sole.