Dictionary Hungarian English
Szótár Magyar Angol
to put some pep into sy: életkedvet lehel vkibe
to put some wood on the fire: fát tesz a tűzre
to put sy's back up: feldühösít vkit
to put sy's monkey up: dühbe gurít
to put sy's nose out of joint: kiüt a nyeregből vkit
to put sy at a disadvantage: hátrányos helyzetbe hoz vkit
to put sy in a flutter: felidegesít vkit, izgalomba hoz vkit
to put sy in evidence: tanúként állít vkit
to put sy in his place: alaposan lehord vkit, rászól vkire, lehord vkit
to put sy in mind of sg: emlékeztet vkit vmire
to put sy in sy's place: behelyettesít
to put sy in the hole: kínos helyzetbe hoz vkit
to put sy in the picture: tájékoztat vkit
to put sy in the right way: megmutatja az utat vkinek, útba igazít vkit
to put sy in the wrong: hibán ér vkit, elmarasztal vkit vmiben
Quello che ci aspettiamo a volte accade; quello che non ci aspettiamo accade spesso. (Benjamin Denjamin)
Il proverbio...
Nel bisogno si conosce l'amico.
Saggezza orientale...
La comprensione e la saggezza si nutrono con le esperienze della vita quotidiana