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Dictionnaire Français Allemand
Wörterbuch Französisch Deutsch

fallu: had to
fallue: had to
fallues: had to
fallus: had to
fallut: had to
falsifia: falsified
falsifiai: falsified
falsifiâmes: falsified
falsifiant: falsifying
falsificateur: adulterator, adulterators
falsification: forgery
falsifie: falsifies
falsifié: falsified
falsifiée: falsified
falsifiées: falsified


L'aforisma... Soltanto i grandi uomini possono avere grandi difetti. (F.de la Rochefoucauld)

Il proverbio... Cielo a pecorelle acqua a catinelle....

Saggezza orientale... Chi parla senza modestia troverà difficile rendere buone le proprie parole. (Confucio)