Dictionary Latin-English
abscido: to cut off, to separate, take away
absconditus: hidden, concealed
abscondo: to hide, conceal, secrete
absens: absent, missing, away, gone
absentis: absent, missing, away, gone
absisto: to go away, desist
absit: god forbid
absorbeo: to swallow, gulp down, carry away, engross
absque (+ ablative): without, except
abstergo: to wipe off, clean away
abstulo: to take away, withdraw
absum: to be absent, to be away, to be missing
abundans: abundant, overflowing, abounding in
abundantia: abundance, bounty, plenty
abutor: to make full use of, to abuse
Vedi di non chiamare intelligenti solo quelli che la pensano come te.
Il proverbio...
Non tutti i mali vengono per nuocere.
Saggezza orientale...
La felicità è l'assenza della ricerca della felicità. (Chuang Tzu)