Dictionary Latin-English
continuo: to join (together), to be after
continuus: connected together, continuous, uninterrupted
contra: against
contradico: to speak against, oppose verbally, gainsay
contradictio: a speaking against, contradiction
contradictio: contradiction, opposition
contrado: to deliver together, or wholly
contraho: to conclude (an agreement)/ to reduce, contract
contraho: to gather together, assemble, draw up, unite
contrarius: contrary, opposed
contrecto: to touch, handle, feel
contremisco: to tremble, shake, quake /be afraid of
contremo: to tremble, shake
contristo: to make sad or gloomy
contristo: to sadden, afflict, damage (of crops)
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Il proverbio...
La gatta frettolosa fece i mici ciechi
Saggezza orientale...
Per natura gli uomini sono vicini, l'educazione li allontana. (Confucio)