Dictionary Latin-English
ferocia: high spirit, courage /arrogance, ferocity
ferocitas: courage, untamed spirit /arogance
ferociter: with spirit, courageously /arrogantly
ferox: spirited, courageous, warlike /wild, arrogant
ferramenta: tools made of iron, or shod with iron
ferrarius: of iron /a blacksmith /iron mines
ferratilis: in chains (slaves and prisoners)
ferreus: made of iron /hard, unfeeliing, cruel, unbending
ferrugineus: rust colored, dusky
ferrugo: the color of rust
ferrum: iron, sword
fertilis: fruitful, fertile, productive
fertilitas: fertility, fruitfulness
ferula: the herb fennel /a rad to beat children with
ferus: fierce, wild, savage, untamed
In amore le parole belle non sono mai vere, mentre quelle brutte sì.
Il proverbio...
(Un animo nobile non sopporta le aggressioni verbali! Ingrata sunt beneficia, quibus comes est metus) (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
costui è un imbecille! (Confucio)