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Dictionary Latin-English

ignotus: unknown, obscure, ignorant, ignoble
ile: guts, intestines
ilicet: it is finished /right away, immediately
ilico: on the spot, immediately
ilico: on the spot, in that very place /immediately
illac: over there /along that path, in that direction
ille illa illud: that, the former, the famous /he, she, it
illic: there, at that place, therein, in that matter
illuc: thither, to that place, to that matter
illudo illusi illusum: to mock, make fun of, ridicule
illudo-si-sum: to mock, to scorn
imago: image, likeness
imber: rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain
imbibo: imbibe, drink in /think up, conceive
imbrium: of rain


L'aforisma... L'unica forza che si oppone al declino della vita e' l'elevazione del pene.

Il proverbio... (Taciturnitas stulto homini pro sapientia est) Per lo stolto il silenzio sostituisce la conoscenza! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Tutti gli uomini si nutrono, ma pochi sanno distinguere i sapori. (Confucio)