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Dictionary Latin-English

inhabitabilis: uninhabitable, unfit for man or beast
inhabito: to inhabit
inhaeresco inheresco: to adhere to, begin to cling to
inhaero inhero: to stick in, cling to, cleave to
inhalo: to breathe upon
inhibeo: to hold in, check, restrian /back water /practice
inhio: to gape /yearn for, desire, want, covet
inhoneste: dishonorably
inhonesto: to disgrace, dishonor
inhonestus: degraded, dishonored /dishonorable
inhonoratus: unrewarded, not honored
inhonorus: dishonored
inhorreo: to bristle
inhorresco: to begin to bristle, shudder, quiver, shake
inhospitalis: inhospitable


L'aforisma... Solo i poveri riescono ad afferrare il senso della vita, i ricchi possono solo tirare a indovinare. (Charles Bukowski)

Il proverbio... La gatta frettolosa fece i mici ciechi

Saggezza orientale... Nessun altro puņ dare uguale attenzione a ciņ che per noi č unico e veramente importante