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Dictionary Latin-English

insulto: to leap at or on /revile, insult, deride
insultus: attack, assault
insum: to be in or on, contained in
insumo: get one's wish, obtain one's desire
insumptuosus: inexpensive, cheap, economical
insuper: as mentioned above
insurgo insurgi insurrectum: to rise up, rebel, revolt
integer: whole, untouched, unhurt, undamaged /complete
intempestivus: understanding, being understood
intemporaliter: eternally, without end
intendo: to extend, aim, direct, direct one's course
intendo: to stretch, strain, try to prove
intenta: earnestness, seriousness
intentio: effort, exertion, attention, intent / attack
intentor: informant


L'aforisma... Non sono le idee che mi spaventano, ma le facce che rappresentano queste idee. (Leo Longanesi)

Il proverbio... A carnevale ogni scherzo vale.

Saggezza orientale... Tenere a mente il perché delle nostre azioni rinsalderà i propositi in caso di difficoltà