Dictionary Latin-English
obruo: to overwhelm, destroy
obsequium: indulgence, pliancy, submission
obses: hostage, security, pledge, surety
obsideo: to sit near /haunt, frequent /besiege, invest
obsido: blockage, besiege, invest
obstinatus: firm, resolved, staunch
obtestor: to implore, entreat, beg, call as a witness
obtineo: to hold, keep, possess, maintain /to continue
obviam ire: to go to meet, oppose /help, remedy
obviam: in the way, on the way, toward
obviam: on the way, in the way /(+ dat.) towards
obvius: on the way, in the way / (in dat.) open
obvolvo: to wrap up, cover
occasio: favorable moment, opportunity
occasus: setting (of the sun, etc)/ the west /fall
Se non hai sofferto per una sconfitta, significa che ne meriti un'altra.
Il proverbio...
Il sonno della ragione genera mostri.
Saggezza orientale...
Ascoltare e valutare con equanimità le opinioni altrui è indice di saggezza