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Dictionary Latin-English

oportet: it is proper, one should, one ought
oportet: it is fitting, it is proper, reasonable, becoming
oportunitas: convenience, fitness, advantage, opportunity
oppono opposui oppositum: to set against, oppose, be opposite
opportune: opportunely, conveniently
opportunitas: fitness, suitability, convenience, advantage
opportunus: opportune, fit, convenient, suitable
opprimo oppressi oppressum: to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check
opprobrium: reproach, disgrace
oppugno: to fight against, attack, assault, assail
optimates: the aristocratic party
optimus: one of the best, aristocrat, noble
opto: to desire, wish for, want
opulens: rich, wealthy / powerful, mighty / splendid
opulente: richly, wealthily


L'aforisma... Si usa uno specchio di vetro per guardare il viso; e si usano le opere d'arte per guardare la propria anima. (G. Bernard Shaw)

Il proverbio... Chi troppo la tira la spezza.

Saggezza orientale... Se un uomo la mattina conosce la retta via, potrà morire la sera stessa senza alcun rimpianto. (Confucio)