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Dictionary Latin-English

quoque: also, too
quorum: dangers
quot: how many, as many (indecl.)
quotiens: often
quotienscumque: however often
quovis: to whatever place you will
rabidus: raging, crazy
rabies: madness, fury, frenzy
rabiose: savagely, furiously
radicitus: by the roots, utterly
rapio rapui ratum: to seize, snatch, carry away
rare: thinly, rarely, uncommonly
rarus: rare, uncommon /far apart /thin, scanty
ratio: reckoning, account /reason, judgment
ratio: system, manner, method, procedure, manner


L'aforisma... Chi č Dio, se non colui che ci costringe a porci questo interrogativo ? (Andrč Forossard)

Il proverbio... Chi dorme non piglia pesci.

Saggezza orientale... L'ignoranza č la notte della mente, ma una notte senza luna né stelle. (Confucio)