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Dictionary Latin-English

relaxo: to loosen, enlarge, relax, ease, lighten
relego relegi relectum: to read again, re-read
relevo: to lift again, lighten, alleviate, relieve
relictus: having inherited, been bequeathed
relinquo: to leave behind, bequeath/abandon, forsake
reliquum: remainder, what is left, leavings
relucesco: to become bright again
reluctor: to struggle against, resist
remando: to send back word
remaneo: to remain behind, stay, continue
remaneo: to remain, stay, continue
rememdium: cure, remedy, nostrum, medicine
removeo: to draw back, set aside, take away
remuneror: to repay, reward
renovatio: renewal, renovation, restoration


L'aforisma... Bigamia significa una moglie di troppo. Monogamia anche.

Il proverbio... Il vino buono si vende senza frasca.

Saggezza orientale... Non esiste una verità assoluta. Tutto è relativo poiché ognuno di noi ho solo la propria visuale