Dictionary Latin-English
tamen: nothwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still
tametsi: even if, although
tamquam tanquam: as, just as, like as, just as if
tandem: at last, finally
tango-tetigi-tactum: to touch, touch upon, to speak of
tanquam: adv, just as, as if, like as
tantillus: so little, so small
tantum: only
tantummodo: only just, just so long as
tantundem: adv, just so much, just as far as
tantus: so large, so great, of such a size
tardus: slow, late, tardy
tego texi tectum: to cover, bury, conceal, hide, protect, shield
tela: a web, that which is woven, cloth, tissue
telum: javelin, spear, arrow, bolt, dart
In amore le parole belle non sono mai vere, mentre quelle brutte sė.
Il proverbio...
(Benignus etiam causam dandi cogitat) L'uomo generoso si inventa occasioni per fare del bene! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Se pensiamo che fra noi e il nostro obiettivo ci sia un legame spirituale allora sė che riusciremo a raggiungerlo