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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

a zene az: what I like is music
ab rakpart: ex quay
abaposztó: frieze
abbahagy: to cease, to stop, to leave off, to lay by, to can
abbahagy vmit: to shut up shop, to get out of sg
abbahagyás: surrender
abbahagyja a dohányzást: to give up smoking
abbahagyja a harcot: to sheathe the sword
abbahagyja a munkát: to knock off, to snatch one's time, to lay off
abbahagyja az ostromot: to raise a siege
abbahagyja vki kritizálását: to get off sy
abbamarad: to come to nothing, to leave off, to break off
abban a pillanatban: the very moment, the moment that
abban a valószínűtlen esetben: on the off chance
abban az értelemben: to the effect that


L'aforisma... L'astinenza e' una gran bella cosa, ma dovrebbe essere praticata sempre con moderazione.

Il proverbio... (Non semper aurem facilem facilitas habet) Non sempre l'uomo felice č disposto ad ascoltare! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Acquisisci nuove conoscenze mentre rifletti sulle vecchie, e forse potrai insegnare ad altri. (Confucio)