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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

boldoggá avatás: beatification
boldoggá tesz: to beatify, to felicitate
boldoggá tett: felicitate
boldogít: to felicitate
boldogító: felicific, beatific
boldogító magányban él: to live in single blessedness
boldogság: weal, rejoicing, bliss, gladness, felicity
boldogságtól ragyogó arc: face irradiated with happiness
boldogságtól sugárzó arc: face irradiated with happiness
boldogtalan: to be fucked up, unhappy, hapless, wretched
boldogtalanság: unhappiness
boldogul: to succeed, to speed, sped, to speed, to get ahead
boldogul az életben: to make one's way in life, to push one's fortune
boldogul vhogy: to make shift with sg
boldogul vmivel: to get on with sg


L'aforisma... Se sei felice non gridare troppo: la tristezza ha il sonno leggero.

Il proverbio... (Fortunam citius reperias quam retineas) La fortuna č piů facile trovarla che trattenerla! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Se hai un problema e puoi risolverlo č inutile che ti preoccupi, se non puoi risolverlo č altrettanto inutile la tua preoccupazione (Lao Tze)