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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

elinal: to mosey, to take one's heels, to skip off, to mog
elinal vhova: to make a bolt for swhere
elinalás: moseying
elindít: to actuate, to set up, to hop, to set sg afloat
elindít vmit: to call sg into action, to set sg in train
elindítás: actuation
elindítja a falkát a nyomon: to lay the hounds on the scent
elindító: starter
elindul: to get off, to start out, to start off, to start
elindul (hajó): to sail
elindul vhova: to set out for swhere
elindulás: starting, start, pulling out, sailing, pulling off
elintéz: to arrange, to adjust, to despatch, to conclude
elintéz vkit: to settle sy's hash, to cook sy's goose
elintéz vmit: to attend to sg, to get sg over


L'aforisma... Si chiama perseveranza quando č per una buona causa, ostinazione quando č per una cattiva. (Laurence Sterne)

Il proverbio... (Thesaurum in sepulcro ponit, qui senem heredem facit) E' come depositare un tesoro in una tomba nominare un vecchio proprio erede! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Per il nostro equilibrio fisico e spirituale, il pasto cessi ai primi cenni di sazietŕ, anche quando lo stimolo della fame non sembra spento