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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

elintézés: adjustment, dispatch, arrangement, fixing, setting
elintézés alatt áll: to be on the anvil, to be in hand, to be pending
elintézési hely: settling place
elintézésre váró: outstanding
elintézetlen: outstanding, unsettled, pending
elintézetlen marad: to stand over
elintézettnek tekinti a dolgot: to call it quits
elintézi a dolgát vkivel: to get even with sy
elintéznivalója van vkivel: have a bone to pick with sy
elintézték: he's dead and done for
elintéztem: I saw it done
elintéztettem: I saw it done
eliramodás: flying
eliramodik: to shoot off, to scamper off
eliramodik vhova: to make a bolt for swhere


L'aforisma... Un popolo difende sempre i suoi costumi piů che le sue leggi. (Montesquieu)

Il proverbio... Tu sei volpe e io tasso, tu sei furbo ma io ti passo.

Saggezza orientale... Un uomo che ha commesso un errore e non lo ha riparato, ha commesso un altro errore. (Confucio)