Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
ellenez: to raise objection, to object, to mind, to balk
ellenez vmit: to stand against, to be hostile to sg
ellenfal: buttress
ellenfél: foe, adversary, antagonist, enemy, adverse party
ellenfelet elhagy: to race past a competitor
ellenfényszűrő: sky shade
ellenfogadást köt: to lay off a bet
ellenforradalmi terror: counter-revolutionary terror
ellenhatás: reactiveness, reaction
elleni-: anti-
ellenigényt támaszt: to set up a counter-claim
ellenintézkedés: counter-move, counter-measure, countermeasure
ellenintézkedést foganatosít: to counter-move
ellenintézkedést tesz: to counter-move
ellenirányban menetel: to countermarch
Ogni tecnologia sufficientemente avanzata per qualcuno č indistinguibile dalla magia. (Arthur C.Clarke)
Il proverbio...
(Gravis animus dubiam non habet sententiam) Uno spirito deciso non ha mai un'opinione dubbia! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Rischio č anche opportunitŕ. Le possibilitŕ di successo aumentano se cogliamo le iniziative abbandonate da altri.