Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
ellensúlyozás: compensation, correction
ellensúlyozó: redeeming
ellensúlytömb: counterweight block
ellenszámla: contra account
ellenszavazat: blackball, non-content
ellenszegül: to bristle up, to buck, to defy, to buck against
ellenszegül vminek: to set one's face against sg
ellenszegülés: defiance
ellenszegülő: recalcitrant, rebellious, unyielding
ellenszél: dead wind
ellenszenv: distaste, repugnance, grudge, antipathy, dislike
ellenszenves: disagreeable, obnoxious, sodding, unlovely, effing
ellenszenves ember: yuck, asshole, ass, dipshit, wart, shit-ass, shmo
ellenszenves férfi: fag, faggot, nerd, nurd
ellenszenves külsejű: repulsive-looking
L'innocenza cominciň cor prim'omo, e lě rimase. (G. Belli)
Il proverbio...
(Eheu quam miserum est, fieri metuendo senem) Quant'č brutto invecchiare con paura! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
A volte le questioni si rivelano piů semplici di quanto sembrano, se ci prendiamo il tempo di analizzarle con serenitŕ