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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

elmosogat: to wash up the dishes, to wash up
elmozdít: to displace, to budge, to offset, to dislocate
elmozdítás: displacement, deposition
elmozdítás (hivatalból): ejection
elmozdítható: revocable
elmozdító: shifter
elmozdul: to shift, to fault, to budge, to move
elmozdul a tengelye: to run out of true
elmozdulás: crab, shift, excursion
elmúlás: passing, fate, waters of forgetfulness
elmulaszt: to miss, to lose, lost, to omit, to pass up
elmulasztás: failure, omission
elmúlhatatlan: imperishable, undying
elmúlik: to wear away, to pass away, to roll by, to expire
elmúlt: to be over, past, over, last


L'aforisma... Se per vivere devi strisciare, alzati e muori.

Il proverbio... (Bona, semper imperante animo, pecunia est) I soldi sono sono una cosa buona, quando sempre governa la mente! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Un giorno senza sorriso č un giorno inutile