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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

elsötétít: to darken, to overcast, overcast, to eclipse
elsötétítés: blackout, black-out
elsötétítő tolóka: dark slide
elsötétül: to darken, to go black
elspórol: to scrimp, to skimp
elsuhan: to sweep, to glide
elsumákol vmit: to wimp out of sg
elsurran: to glide, to flash
elsül: to pop off, to go off, to fire
elsülés: firing, discharge
elsüllyed: to merge, to sink, sank, sunk, to settle down
elsüllyedés: submergence
elsüllyedt: sunken, sunk
elsüllyeszt: to founder, to scupper, to pigeonhole, to scuttle
elsüllyesztés: submergence


L'aforisma... Una puntura di zanzara prude meno, quando sei riuscito a schiacciare la zanzara.

Il proverbio... Chi mostra vende.

Saggezza orientale... Quando parliamo con sinceritŕ, le nostre parole arrivano al cuore come raggi di sole.