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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

elszalaszt: to throw away, to miss, to let pass, to pass up
elszalasztja az alkalmat: to let a chance go by, to miss the bus
elszáll: to be stoned out, to slip by, to slip away
elszáll (bátorsága): to quail
elszállásol: to billet, to sleep, slept, to put up, to house
elszállásolás: quartering, billet, accommodation
elszállít: to take over, to cart, to expedite, to ship
elszállítás: shifting, dispatch
elszállt (narkótól): to be zonked out
elszámítja magát: to be out in one's reckoning, to miscalculate
elszámlál: to enumerate
elszámol vkivel: to square accounts with sy, to reckon with
elszámol vmivel: to account for sg
elszámolás: pay-off, settlement, liquidation, settling, score
elszámolás szerint: as per account rendered


L'aforisma... Ci ho messo tutta la vita a capire che non č necessario capire tutto. (René Coty)

Il proverbio... Da cosa nasce cosa e il tempo la governa.

Saggezza orientale... Quando parliamo con sinceritŕ, le nostre parole arrivano al cuore come raggi di sole.