Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
elvégződik: to terminate
elvegyül: to mingle
elvegyül a tömegben: to mingle in the crowd, to mingle with the crowd
elveihez hűen cselekszik: to act up to one's principles
elveinek megfelelően jár el: to act up to one's principles
elvékonyít: to extenuate
elvékonyítás: extenuation, tapering
elvékonyodik: to extenuate, to tail off, to tail away
elvékonyodó: tapering, tapered
elvékonyodó végű hajfonat: ratty plait of hair
elvékonyodott: attenuate
elvékonyult: attenuate
elver: to hide, to pepper, to lay it on sy, to trounce
elver vhonnan: to whip off
elver vkit: to give sy a thrashing, to give sy a trouncing
Beati gli smemorati perché avranno la meglio anche sui propri errori. (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Il proverbio...
Il tempo č galantuomo e puntuale.
Saggezza orientale...
Ogni esperienza vissuta intensamente non appartiene al passato. E' con te in ogni istante.