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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

esedékes: mature, outstanding, due, receivable
esedékessé válik: to fall due, to mature, to be due, to become due
esedékesség: expiration
esedezés: entreaty, supplication, petition, deprecation
esedezik: to beg hard, to implore, to entreat, to supplicate
esedezik vmiért: to pray for sg, to plead for sg
eselék: end
esély: odds, chance
esélye van: to stand a chance, to be in the running
esélyes: shoo-in, to be in the running
esélytelenebb fél: underdog
esemény: episode, affair, shit, occurrence, go, occurrents
eseménydús: action-packed, eventful
események folyamata: course of events
események sodrába kerül: to get into the swim


L'aforisma... Il sesso senza amore e' un'esperienza vuota, ma con le esperienze vuote che corrono di questi tempi...". (Woody Allen) (in 'Amore e Guerra').

Il proverbio... Tieni la bocca chiusa, se non vuoi che ti sfugga l'oro di bocca.

Saggezza orientale... La vera gioia dimora nella semplicitŕ