Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
felszabályoz: to true up
felszaggat: to plough up, to tear up
felszáguld: to rush up
felszakad: to rive, rived, riven, to trip
felszakadás (sebé): laceration
felszakít: to rip, to snatch off, to rip open
felszakít vmit: to tear at sg
felszakító vas: ripping iron
felszalad: to run up
felszáll: to hop off, to lift off, to take to the air
felszáll (járműre): to get on
felszáll (repülőgép): to take off
felszáll a magas lóra: to put on the high-and-mighty
felszáll a vonatra: to get on the train
felszállás: take-off, lift-off, ascent, mounting, take off
A ogni uomo spettano di diritto soddisfazioni intense come i suoi dolori. (Rex Stout)
Il proverbio...
Dimmi con chi vai e ti dirň chi sei.
Saggezza orientale...
Č l'uomo che rende grande la veritŕ, non la veritŕ l'uomo. (Confucio)