Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
felszámolás: liquidation, windup
felszámoló: liquidator
felszánt: to plough, to rive, rived, riven, to plow, to till
felszántatlan földdarab: skip
felszaporodik: to pile up, to accrue
felszárad: to dry up
felszárnyal: to soar
felszarvaz: to cuckold, to horn
felszarvazott férj: cuckold
felszed: to pick up, to break up, to take up, to pull up
felszed vkit: to pick up with sy
felszed vmit: to gather up sg
felszedeget vmit: to peck up sg
felszedés: pick-up, pickup
felszedett horgonnyal: with anchor aweigh
L'indeciso decide sempre il peggio.
Il proverbio...
(Solet esse in dubiis pro consilio temeritas) Nelle situazioni critiche la temerarietŕ prende il posto della saggezza! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
L'apprendimento senza il pensiero č fatica sprecata. (Confucio)