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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

féltékenységből: actuated by jealousy
féltékenységtől hajtva: actuated by jealousy
felteker: to wind, wound, to furl, to ball up, to ball
feltekercsel: to reel in, to reel up, to wind up
féltengely: stub axle
feltép: to rip, to snatch off, to scarify, to fling open
feltép vmit: to tear sg open
felterjesztés: petition
felterjesztést intéz: to petition
feltérképez: to map
féltestvér: halfsister, stepbrother, stepsister, halfbrother
feltesz: to put up, to lay, laid, to postulate, to assume
felteszi a kalapját: to put on one's hat
felteszi a koronát: to assume the crown
felteszi a koronát vmire: to top off


L'aforisma... Per arrivare all'alba non c'č altra via che la notte. (Kahlil Gibran)

Il proverbio... (Multis minatur, qui uni facit iniuriam)Rivolge le sue minacce a molti chi fa un affronto a uno solo! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Colui che spende con attenzione il denaro č piů saggio di colui che lo usa per apparire