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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

feltett szándéka vmit tenni: to be intent on doing sg, to be intent on
feltéve: as long as, provided, so long as, supposing
feltéve hogy: gin
feltevés: admittance, assumption, supposition, guesswork
feltevésen alapuló: conjectural
félti a bőrét: to fear for one's skin, to fear one's skin
félti babérait: to look to one's laurels
feltisztul: to clear away
feltol: to push up
feltollaz: to feather, to wing
feltolul: to extrude
féltónus: interval
feltorlaszol (havat): to bank up
feltorlódás: extrusion, extruding
feltornássza magát: to work up


L'aforisma... Un imbecille non si annoia mai: si contempla. (Remy de Gourmont)

Il proverbio... Chi si loda si sbroda.

Saggezza orientale... Distingui la disciplina finalizzata da quella cieca. Nel primo caso il fine illumina la strada. Se manca uno scopo, la pratica si trasforma in fanatismo