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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

fitogtat: to ostentate, to air, to show off, to parade
fitogtat vmit: to pique oneself on sg, to make a show of sg
fitogtatás: show-off, ostentation, display, flaunt
fitos orr: turned up nose
fitt: fit
fityeg: to lop over, to swag, to dangle
fityegő: dangling
fitying: sou, dump, farthing
fitymál: to scout, to sneer, to despise, to flout
fitymálás: disregard
fittyet hány: to thumb one's nose at, to thumb one's fingers at
fittyet hány a fenyegetésnek: to despise a threat
fittyet hány vkinek: to bite one's thumb at sy
fittyet hány vmire: to thumb his nose at sg
fittyet hányva vminek: in defiance of sg


L'aforisma... Quando le cose vanno bene non bisogna spaventarsi, tanto passano.

Il proverbio... (Taciturnitas stulto homini pro sapientia est) Per lo stolto il silenzio sostituisce la conoscenza! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Le sconfitte non hanno grande importanza nella vita: la piů grande disgrazia č quella di restare fermi. (Inayat Khan)