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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

fogazás: cutting of teeth, teething, serration
fogazat: teething, teeth
fogazott: toothed, serrulate, notched, serrulated, serrated
fogazott rúd: rack
fogcement: dentist's plaster, cement
fogcsikorgatás: scrunch
fogcsikorgatva: desperately
fogd be a pofádat!: hold your jaw!, shut your mouth!, hold your row!
fogd be a szád!: shut up!, hold your noise!, hush!, stop your gab!
fogd már be a szád!: just you shut up!
fogd meg!: tally on!
fogda: jail, cells
fogdos: to paw, to finger
fogdos vmit: to paddle about sg, to paddle on sg
fogékony: impressionable, receptive, susceptible, impulsive


L'aforisma... Ogni societŕ ha il tipo di criminali che si merita. (Robert F. Kennedy)

Il proverbio... Can che abbaia non morde.

Saggezza orientale... Belle parole e una vistosa apparenza raramente sono associate alla vera virtů. (Confucio)