Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
fordítva fekszik: to lie on its face
fordul: to refer, to slew, to spin, span, spun, to turn
fordul (helyzet): to work out
fordul vki felé: to turn unto sy
fordul vkihez vmiért: to apply to sy for sg
fordul vmerre: to stand to swhere
fordul vmi körül: to be pivoted on sg
fordul vmihez: have recourse to sg
fordulás: slue, turning, swing, volt, slew
fordulás vkihez: recourse
fordulásjelző zászló: turning-flag
fordulat: corner, wimple, juncture, turn, turning, swerve
fordulat (hajóé): heaving
fordulatos társalgás: animated conversation
fordulatszám: rev
Meglio essere odiati per ciň che si č, piuttosto che amati per ciň che non si č.(André Gide)
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