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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

gyötri a köhögés: have a racking cough
gyötri az éhség: to be ravenously hungry
gyötrő: trying, outrageous, tormentor, excruciating
gyötrő köhögés: racking cough
gyötrődés: agony, writhing, obsession, anguish
gyötrődik: to writhe, to anguish, to distress oneself
győz: have the best of it, to vanquish, to ring the bell
győz vmit: to afford
győzedelmes: victorious
győzedelmesen: victoriously
győzedelmeskedés: victoriousness
győzedelmeskedik: to win the day, to worst, to vanquish, to prevail
győzedelmeskedik vki felett: to exult over sy, to be victorious over sy
győzedelmeskedik vkin: to prevail over sy
győzedelmeskedik vmi felett: to triumph over sg, to prevail against


L'aforisma... Una volta che sei nel gregge, č inutile che abbai: scodinzola. (Cechov)

Il proverbio... (Difficilem habere oportet aurem ad crimina) Occorre avere orecchie sospettose quando si ascoltano accuse! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Si puň conoscere ciň che succede nel mondo senza fare un passo fuori dalla porta