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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

hapci!: tish-ho!
hápog: to quack, to gaggle
hápogás: quack
happol: to scrounge
hapsi: chappie, chappy, sod, cove, bloke, bastard, jock
hapsija vkinek: jock
hapták!: tenshun!, shun!
harácsol: to scrounge
harácsoló: scrounging, scrounger, scrounge
harag: resentment, anger, spite, grudge, dudgeon, stomach
harag van vkik között: to be ill blood between, to be bad blood between
haragban van: to tiff
haragban van vkivel: to be cross with sy
haragos: testy, nettled, irate, rough, indignant, cross
haragos beszéd: high words, hard words


L'aforisma... Una notte d'amore e' un libro letto in meno. (Honore' de Balzac)

Il proverbio... Chi si contenta gode.

Saggezza orientale... L'uomo superiore comprende ciň che č giusto, l'uomo inferiore ciň che vende. (Confucio)