Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
jó!: very well!, all right!
jóakarat: benignity, benevolence, goodwill, friendliness
jóakarat játékok: goodwill games
jóakarat megnyerése: propitiation
jóakaratú: gracious, benevolent
jóakaratúlag: with good intent
jóakaró: friend, well-wisher
jóakaróm: he wishes me well
jóarcú: he has good lines in his face
Jób: job
Jób könnye: job's tears
jóba lesz vkivel: to get off with sy
jóba van vkivel: to carry on with sy
jóban-rosszban: through thick and thin, through foul and fair
jóban van vkivel: to keep friends with sy, to be friends with sy
Non condannate la masturbazione: č fare del sesso con qualcuno che stimate veramente.
Il proverbio...
A una lunga e bella estate seguono gelide invernate....
Saggezza orientale...
Imparare senza pensare č fatica perduta. Pensare senza imparare č pericoloso. (Confucio)