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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

jobban meggondolva: on second thought
jobban meggondolva a dolgot: now that I come to think of it
jobban mondva: or rather
jobban szélnek szorít: to come up into the wind
jobban szeret: to prefer
jobban szeretnék itt maradni: I had as soon stay here
jobban szeretném: I had rather not, I would rather not
jobban tennéd: you should rather go
jobbára: for the most part, mostly
jobbfedezet: right halfback, right half back
jobbhátvéd: right guard, right back
jobbik énje vkinek: one's better self
jobbít: to amend
jobbkezes: dexterous, dextrous
jobbmenetes csavar: right screw


L'aforisma... Intelligenza non č non commettere errori, ma scoprire subito il modo di trarne profitto. (Bertolt Brecht)

Il proverbio... (Fortuna nimium quem fovet, stultum facit) La fortuna rende stolto chi favorisce troppo! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Il vero signore č simile a un arciere: se manca il bersaglio, ne cerca la causa in se stesso. (Confucio)