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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

jódlizás: yodelling
jódlizik: to yodel
jóéjszakát kíván vkinek: to wish sy good night
jóérzés: euphoria
jóformán: pretty well, as good as
jóformán senki: hardly anyone
jog: right, legal
jog szerint: by rights, by right
joga van az élethez: have one's place in the sun
joga van az érvényesüléshez: have one's place in the sun
joga van tenni vmit: to be entitled to do sg
joga van vmihez: to be entitled to sg, have the right to sg
jogában áll tenni vmit: to be entitled to do sg
jogában áll vmit megtenni: to be at liberty to do sg
jogaiban sért: to aggrieve


L'aforisma... Non prestare, regala : quando sarai morto, chi ti dirŕ grazie? (E.M. Forster)

Il proverbio... (Feras facilia, ut difficilia perferas) Sopporta le facili avversitŕ per meglio sopportare quelle difficili! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Nel prendere una decisione, possiamo aiutarci nell'orientamento chiedendoci se essa sia motivata dalla paura oppure dalla necessitŕ