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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

keresettség: vendibility
keresgél: to root
keresgél vmit: to cast about for sg, to feel for sg
keresi: he is trailing his coat
keresi a bajt: to look for trouble, to ask for trouble
keresi a kedvét vkinek: to be all over sy
keresi a szót: to be at a loss for a word
keresi az útját: to fumble one's way
keresi kenyerét vmivel: to earn one's living by sg
kereskedelem: commerce, trade, commercialism
kereskedelemre vonatkozó: mercurial
kereskedelemügyi minisztérium: board of trade
kereskedelmi: mercurial, commercial, merchant
kereskedelmi bank: merchant bank
kereskedelmi hajókaraván: waftage


L'aforisma... Siamo tutti nati nel fango, ma alcuni di noi guardano alle stelle.

Il proverbio... Cerchio vicino. acqua lontano cerchio lontano acqua vicino....

Saggezza orientale... La semplicitŕ č virtů del vivere. Nella quiete del cuore dimora la veritŕ, ascoltala con amorevolezza