Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
keresztülmegy: to come across, to come through, to get through
keresztülnéz vkin: to give sy the cut direct
keresztülszúr: to run through
keresztülverekszi magát: to hack one's way through
keresztülverekszi magát vmin: to hack it
keresztülvergődik: to get through, to wade
keresztülvihető: practicable, feasible, manageable
keresztülvisz: to implement, to get through, to get across
keresztülvisz vmit: to carry sg into execution
keresztülviszi az akaratát: have one's will
keresztütés: overarm blow
keresztvas: lintel, main joist, cross-guard, binding joist
keresztvonás: criss-cross
keret: chase, rack, mount, frame, cadre, setting
kéret: to send for
Gli ideali sono come la stella polare: č irraggiungibile, ma indica la retta via.
Il proverbio...
(La fortuna č come un vetro: nel momento di massimo splendore si spezza! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)
Saggezza orientale...
Saper perdonare č un segno di forza, perché č piů facile voltare le spalle che abbracciare chi ci ha ferito