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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

ki adogat?: whose service is it?
ki akar menni a kutya: the dog wants out
ki áll a háttérben?: who is pulling the strings?
ki az oka?: whose fault is it?
ki az ördög csinálta ezt?: who the dash has done that?
ki az ördög tette ezt?: who the dash has done that?
ki az?: who is it?
ki beszél ma este?: who is to speak tonight?
ki emel?: whose cut is it?
ki fogsz kapni!: you'll catch it!
ki hallott már ilyet!: the idea!
ki kezd?: who plays first?
ki következik?: who comes next?
ki mint vet: we reap as we sow, reap as we sow
ki mozgatja a dolgot?: who is pulling the strings?


L'aforisma... Ciň che si fa per amore č sempre al di lŕ del bene e del male. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Il proverbio... (Praesens est semper, absens qui se ulciscitur) Chi si vendica, anche se assente, č sempre presente! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Lo sciocco non perdona e non dimentica. L'ingenuo perdona e dimentica. Il saggio perdona, ma non dimentica.