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Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English

ki se látszik vmiből: to be swamped
ki sem látszik vmi alól: to be snowed under
ki szervál?: whose service is it?
ki tudja hányszor: over and over, over and over again
ki tudja?: there is no telling
ki van: to be cooked
ki van a segge: to be shit poor
ki van akadva: to be freaked out, to be fucked up
ki van állítva: to be on display
ki van dögölve: to be cooked
ki van fulladva: to be short of breath
ki van kapcsolva: to be out of gear
ki van kelve magából: to be all in a flutter, to be in a flutter
ki van neki szolgáltatva vki: have sy by the short hairs
ki van rúgva: to be riffed


L'aforisma... L'arte non consiste nel rappresentare cose nuove, bensě nel rappresentare con novitŕ. (Foscolo)

Il proverbio... (Nimium altercando veritas amittitur) Il troppo discutere fa perdere di vista la veritŕ! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

Saggezza orientale... Non esiste una veritŕ assoluta. Tutto č relativo poiché ognuno di noi ho solo la propria visuale