Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
kiselejtezett darab: castoff, cast-off
kisember: small timer, common man
kisemberek: small fry
kisemmiz: to bump, to unhouse
kisemmizett: beat, underprivileged
kísér: to squire, to chaperon, to attend, to accompany
kísér vkit: to wait on sy, to wait upon sy, to bear sy company
kísérel: to venture
kíséret: accompaniment, train, escort, entourage, retinue
kíséret nélküli: unattended, unescorted, unaccompanied
kíséretében van: have in tow, to take in tow
kísérget: to escort
kísérlet: test, try, tentative, essay, attempt, experiment
kísérlet vmi elérésére: bid
kísérlet vmi megszerzésére: bid
Č sincero il dolore di chi piange in segreto. (Marziale)
Il proverbio...
Il tempo scorre incessantemente come l'acqua.
Saggezza orientale...
Felice e beato colui che aspetta senza desiderio