Szótár Magyar Angol
Dictionary Hungarian English
kritikus pillanat: zero hour
kritikus pillanatban jelen van: to be in at the death, be in at the death
kritikus pont: point of no return
kritikusan: censoriously
kritizál: to find fault with, to pass strictures on, to slag
kritizál vkit: to dump on sy, to dump all over sy
kritizáló: critical, censorious
krizantém: chrysanthemum
krízis: crisis, juncture, crisis, crises
krizokalk: near gold
krokett: croquet
krokettezik: to croquet
krokettkapu: wicket
kroki: pen sketch, gossip
krokodil: crocodile
Per chi ama, il sole non tramonta mai; per chi soffre, mai spunta.
Il proverbio...
Chi tace acconsente.
Saggezza orientale...
E’ necessario raccogliersi e discorrere con se stessi: al riparo da commistioni e inquinamenti, la nostra voce sarŕ finalmente percepibile